You can find on this page the Shanghai neighborhood map to print and to download in PDF. The Shanghai districts map presents quarters, region, suburbs and surrounding area of Shanghai in China.

Shanghai neighborhoods map

The Shanghai neighborhoods map shows region and suburbs of Shanghai areas. This neighborhood map of Shanghai will allow you to discover quarters and surrounding area of Shanghai in China. The Shanghai quarters map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Xujiahui is about as central Shanghai as you can get. The area is known for its many shopping malls as well as its eponymous park. The neighbourhood is also home to China third largest football stadium as you can see in Shanghai neighborhoods map– a multi-use space enjoyed by local residents when Shanghai SIPG football club is not playing. Located in Changning District, Zhongshan Park is another very central neighbourhood with a constantly busy metro stop. Suzhou Creek flows from Tai Lake all the way to the Bund in Shanghai Huangpu District. As a neighbourhood, Suzhou Creek refers to the area around the river in northeastern Shanghai.

Pudong, the district east of the Huangpu river, is so large that it is almost unfair to classify it as one single neighbourhood. Up until 1990, this massive swath of land was comprised of nothing but backwater farms. Xintiandi refers directly to an affluent, car-free shopping and dining area in central Huangpu District. The neighbourhood is also the site of the first congress of the Communist Party of China as its shown in Shanghai neighborhoods map; so within the flashiness of Xintiandi there is also historical significance. Located way up in the northeastern Yangpu District, Wujiaochang often goes unnoticed by many urbanites (to their great shame). Home to some of China greatest universities, such as the prestigious Fudan, the neighbourhood is young, vibrant and growing year on year.

Located towards the Hongqiao Airport in western Shanghai as its mentioned in Shanghai neighborhoods map, Gubei is known for its large Korean and Japanese expat populations. As such, this is the best place in the city to get barbecue or sushi. People Square with its street food, impressive museums, and nightlife make up this central neighborhood. Stock up on street snacks at Yunnan Road Food Street, where you can try lamb skewers and Shanghainese noodles.

Shanghai districts map

The Shanghai districts map shows all quarters and suburbs of Shanghai. This district map of Shanghai will allow you to discover areas and the region of Shanghai in China. The Shanghai districts map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Shanghai is administratively equal to a province and is divided into 17 county-level divisions: 16 districts and one county. Even though every district has its own urban core, Seven of the districts govern suburbs, satellite towns, and rural areas further away from the urban core as you can see in Shanghai districts map: Baoshan District (宝山区 Bǎoshān Qū) – Baoshan County until 1988, Minhang District (闵行区 Mǐnháng Qū) – Shanghai County until 1992, Jiading District (嘉定区 Jiādìng Qū) – Jiading County until 1992, Jinshan District (金山区 Jīnshān Qū) – Jinshan County until 1997, Songjiang District (松江区 Sōngjiāng Qū) – Songjiang County until 1998, Qingpu District (青浦区 Qīngpǔ Qū) – Qingpu County until 1999, Fengxian District (奉贤区 Fèngxián Qū) – Fengxian County until 2001.

The city hall and major administration units of Shanghai are located in Huangpu District, which also serve as a commercial area, including the famous Nanjing Road. Other major commercial areas as its mentioned in Shanghai districts map include Xintiandi and the classy Huaihai Road (previously Avenue Joffre) in Huangpu District and Xujiahui (formerly rendered in English as Zikawei, reflecting the Shanghainese pronunciation) in Xuhui District. Many universities in Shanghai are located in residential areas of Yangpu District and Putuo District.

Eight of Shanghai districts govern Puxi (lit "Huangpu West Bank"), the older part of urban Shanghai on the west bank of the Huangpu River as you can see in Shanghai districts map. These eight districts are collectively referred to as Shanghai Proper (上海市区) or the core city (市中心): Huangpu District (黄浦区 Huángpǔ Qū) – merged with Nanshi District in 2000, and Luwan District in 2011, Xuhui District (徐汇区 Xúhuì Qū), Changning District (长宁区 Chángníng Qū), Jing'an District (静安区 Jìng'ān Qū), Putuo District (普陀区 Pǔtuó Qū), Zhabei District (闸北区 Zháběi Qū), Hongkou District (虹口区 Hóngkǒu Qū), Yangpu District (杨浦区 Yángpǔ Qū).